Thursday, March 11, 2010

Let's start at the very beginning...

The last load of laundry is tumbling softly in the dryer, the beef stew I made for supper is simmering in the crock pot, and the cat is curled up next to me sleeping. With this I compose my first ever blog post…
I have fittingly titled my blog “State of Dreaming” because it seems I have spent my whole life, like Isobel here, dreaming. When I was a child I would fantasize about where I would live when I grew up, who would I marry and what would I be? My friends and I would actually play what we referred to as “drift-off” at sleepovers where we would sleep for 20 minutes, then wake-up and share our dreams! These days my dreams tend to include more adult themes about life, family, work and somehow still, what do I want to be? Although many of the images and outcomes have changed over time (particularly my Backstreet Boy husband), I find myself looking back and always wanting to be in a creative field and I wanted to be successful at it. Blame it on my being a Pisces, or the fact I traveled so much as a child, or even the eccentric characters in the books I constantly buried my nose in. Whatever the reason, you will almost always find me with a notebook and pen ready to jot down the many ideas that float through my mind. Some are silly anecdotes and some are ideas for the books I plan to write; others are poems, songs, slogans, party ideas, commercials, grocery lists…anything and everything I can possibly turn into something. And it just so happens I keep a notebook in my bedside table at all times for when I am dreaming, that is when most of my ideas happen.
My place in this world is still unknown. There are so many facets to my personality, so many things I enjoy and do. Sometimes I think when God “broke the mold” he took all the leftover bits and melded them into one for me. It seems in order to be successful you have to have passion and drive in one particular area. You must enjoy your work; make it your life, your hobby to be truly successful at it. My hobby? Writing-designing-dancing-shopping-singing-traveling-cooking -planning-reading-watching-laughing-acting-sewing-decorating-listening-crafting. I suppose this is why I chose marketing as my profession. There are so many components to a career in marketing. My interests obviously air on the side of creativity. Did you ever see “What Women Want” with Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt…yeah, heaven.
So, all of this creative energy must be channeled somewhere. I plan to use this as a place to organize my randomness. As I search for that dream job, my place of purpose, I will compose with feeling and honesty. Perhaps my dreams will come true one day?